The Classic American Stars & Stripes
Event Application Forms
Tatton Stars & Stripes is a huge show celebrating all things American, from Mustangs to Ex-US Army vehicles. The Show offers the perfect opportunity to look at American cars from every decade since the turn of the last century. You can also find everything you ever need at the various trade stalls.
Trade Application Forms
PDF Forms: To download and print one of the PDF forms below, Right Mouse Click on the name of the form and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” from the menu that appears. Then, simply choose where on your computer you wish to save the form and click Save. You’ll then be able to open and print it from your own machine, or fill it in and email to us.
• Private entries are now open for 2025!
Private Entry Application Form
• We will be in contact one month prior to the show.
• Completion of this application form does not guarantee acceptance.
• All entries are entirely at the discretion of the organisers.
• Only the vehicle described on the pass will be allowed access.
• If your vehicle is accepted, you will receive confirmation by e-mail and passes will be posted to your address below at least two weeks prior to the event.
Entries open approximately 6 months prior to the show
Conditions For Exhibitors
Once inside the park gates everyone is subject to the rules and regulations as laid down by the management of Tatton Park and the show organisers. Items of specific importance to exhibitors are as follows.
1. All vehicles are accepted into the park on condition that the park authorities and the show organisers cannot be held responsible for exhibitors’ negligence involving damage to vehicles and/or property or injury to persons. Similarly for loss or theft of vehicles, property, contents and equipment.
2. It is the responsibility of the exhibitors to ensure that all vehicles being driven on the showground have, as a minimum, third party insurance cover. Road Traffic Act rules apply on site.
3. Vehicles entering and leaving the showground are restricted to a maximum of walking speed and no unauthorised movement of vehicles is permitted during showtime until after 4pm – any emergency need to leave earlier must be agreed before moving with show marshals, who will then escort you from the showground.
4. Camping is a privilege to exhibitors granted by Tatton Park and it is essential that all litter is cleared and no groundwork is allowed on site. Exhibitors/campers/traders are warned of the danger of falling branches and anyone setting up close to mature trees does so at their own risk. Camping from 12 noon Friday until 7pm Sunday
5. No dangerous dogs allowed on site. Pets are the direct responsibility of their handlers and must be kept on a leash at all times and any deposits to be cleared up.
6. The riding of cycles, motorcycles, quad bikes etc. on the showground or park is strictly forbidden at any time (disability vehicles may be allowed at the discretion of the organisers).
7. The organisers and the park authorities reserve the right to remove anyone from the park who is CONSIDERED to have CONTRAVENED the regulations and this could result in a ban for the individual/club/ trader from future shows.
8. Completion of this application form does not guarantee acceptance due to the limitation of exhibit space. All entries are entirely at the discretion of the organisers.
9. The use of any form of loudspeaker is not permitted withing the camping area.